"Le Débat" sur France24 - "Super Tuesday" et les primaires républicaines

"Il y a toujours plein de chômage, surtout dans les états de la 'ceinture de ferraille', comme le Michigan, l'Ohio, la Pennsylvanie, des états qui seront compétitifs en novembre, et ça sera difficile pour Obama. C'est la colère contre Obama qui va faire l'unité du parti républicain: ça, c'est sûr."
"Romney's supporters should be somewhat disappointed, because while it's true that he took 6 of 10 states on Super Tuesday, if we look at the delegates, he didn't even get 40% yesterday. It's the "magic number" of 1,144 delegates necessary going to Tampa at the end of August pour the Republican National Convention, and for now, Romney has about 400, Santorum 169, Gingrich 103, and Ron Paul 41. So Romney's got 400 and needs another 700 - he's still far from the goal."
"There is still a great deal of unemployment, especially in the Rust Belt states like Michigan, Ohio, and Pennsylvania - these states will be competitive in November and will be difficult for Obama. But it's anger against Obama that will unify the Republicans, that's for sure."